The first part of the range session was close to horrible if not destructive. Was going through what I have read in Five Lessons. The grip was working well and never really feel the need to squeeze the grip for more power.
Was executing Hogan's Move (more on this when the time comes), at did not feel anything was wrong either. While on the way to the gents, had a swing thought (yes, I do have many). I suspected that while I was making a proper hip turn on the back swing, what I did not do was maintain the same flex on my knees. In so doing, my hips actually rised up. So thought to myself I have to keep the hips turning more level.
The picture on the left shows that Hogan's hips have remain quite level. You can see the bottom of his shirt line through the his pants and they are quite parallel to the ground.
In so doing, it created space and with the right tempo and patience, I could feel the club SWINGING down to the ball. This also prevented the spin out since I was in no hurry to look at where my ball where. Overall a very productive day.
1. level hips
2. watch tempo
3. let club pull you to your finish
4. hands to hold the club and nothing more
Crisp striking is inevitable. I can have a good sleep :)
Read your blogs on Ben Hogan and your work to improve your swing. This one is terrific as the way Hogan moved his right hip throughout his swing is key to his power and accuracy. The Five Lessons is an astonishingly good book of instruction and I can't praise it enough. If instructors would just read it, understand it, and teach it, there would be a lot more good golfers out there! Newbies would find the learning curve to be easier to climb.
On another note, glad you received your 'Collection'. I was the producer. Hope you like it and let folks know what you honestly think about it. We put a lot of heart and soul into it over two years. The Hogan family was very happy with it and, because of this we are now authorized/licensed to produce the Five Lessons on dvd. We will use motion capture, high definition computer graphics, and other techniques to bring it 'to life'. Mr. Hogan will be able to present his material and demonstrate it on the new dvd. Its due out in a year.
Hi Tom,
Thank you so much for posting. I have Five Lessons sitting in my shelf for 2 years. With the advise of a friend, I went back to it and it is the only thing I read now.
I will definitely do a post on the DVD. I also included a amazon link to purchase the DVD.
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